Mission Delivery
Acting as a catalyst with extensive industry experience, to deliver your mission efficiently, quickly and within budget.

Providing expert and proactive advice and support on technology and innovation commercialisation from concept to operational use.

Due Diligence
Carrying out Commercial, Technical, Regulatory and Investment Due Diligence

Procurement Support
Providing expert advice on procurement, strategy, contract delivery and negotiation support.
- Enabling a Satcom system manufacturer entry into the aviation sector and becoming a world-leading avionic system manufacturer.
- Advising a Middle East Government on establishing an indigenous aerospace manufacturing industry.
- Development and commercialisation of two aircraft Satcom systems to meet the operational needs of the UN, NGOs, and military and civil operators.
- Technical due diligence of a global satcom system operator that validated a Private Equity $6 billion acquisition offer.
- Board Advisors to Mawarid Electronics in Saudi Arabia to partner with Thuraya (UAE) to provide a nation-wide Satcom-UHF network.
- Investor and commercial due diligence for ING Investment Bank of a global satellite communication system.
- Senior advisors providing support to the UK Government to procure a new military Satcom System.
- UK Government Study to assess the scope , scale and size of the UK Aviation & Space MRO sector